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RepoView: "RPM Fusion Fedora nonfree 38 - x86_64"

Letter N

nautilus-dropbox - Dropbox extension for Nautilus

Website: https://www.dropbox.com
License: GPL-3.0-or-later AND CC-BY-ND-3.0
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Dropbox extension for nautilus file manager


nautilus-dropbox-2022.12.05-3.fc38.x86_64 [26 KiB] Changelog by Julian Sikorski (2023-03-16):
- It is the dropbox package which requires hicolor-icon-theme
- Drop i686 arch and make the dropbox package arched
- Switch to Source0
- Add a note that the dropbox package is a downloader for the actual client

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26