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intel-ipu6-kmod - Kernel module (kmod) for intel-ipu6

Website: https://github.com/intel
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This enables intel IPU6 image processor. The package includes Intel IPU6 and iVSC drivers
The source can be found from the following URL.

This package contains the kmod module for intel-ipu6.


intel-ipu6-kmod-0.0-9.20230622git8e41080.fc40.src [322 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2023-10-10):
- Updated ivsc-driver to commit e8ea8b825217091fa91c9b3cb68cee4101d416e2
- This fixes the camera not working on some Dell laptops
- Update patch to fix building against 6.6 kernels

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