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libheif-freeworld - HEVC support for HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder

Website: https://github.com/strukturag/libheif
License: LGPL-3.0-or-later and MIT
Vendor: RPM Fusion
libheif is an ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF and AVIF (AV1 Image File Format)
file format decoder and encoder.

This package adds support for HEVC-encoded HEIC files to applications
that use libheif to read HEIF image files.


libheif-freeworld-1.16.2-2.fc38.ppc64le [53 KiB] Changelog by Dominik Mierzejewski (2023-09-08):
- Enable uncompressed codec (rhbz#2237849)
- Run tests conditionally (requires making all symbols visible)

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