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tivodecode-ng - Convert a .TiVo file from TiVoToGo to a normal MPEG

Website: https://github.com/wmcbrine/tivodecode-ng
License: BSD
Vendor: RPM Fusion
tivodecode-ng ("ng" for "next generation") is a portable command-line
tool for decrypting .TiVo video files into program streams or
transport streams, depending on the source. It also will decrypt the
metadata (title, description, etc.). It's based on tivodecode by
Jeremy Drake, with enhancements by several contributors. tivodecode-ng
adds support for transport streams, although that's a work in
progress. (Note that support for program streams is as complete as


tivodecode-ng-0.5-7.fc36.armv7hl [57 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2022-04-17):
- Bump obsoletes version

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