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RepoView: "RPM Fusion Fedora free 36 - armhfp"

Letter H

HandBrake-gui - An open-source multiplatform video transcoder (GUI)

Website: http://handbrake.fr/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
HandBrake is a general-purpose, free, open-source, cross-platform, multithreaded
video transcoder software application. It can process most common multimedia
files and any DVD or Bluray sources that do not contain any kind of copy

This package contains the main program with a graphical interface.


HandBrake-gui-1.5.1-1.fc36.armv7hl [3.4 MiB] Changelog by Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski (2022-02-17):
- new upstream version (rfbz#6221)
- drop obsolete patch
- keep building with libmfx

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