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RepoView: "RPM Fusion Fedora free updates 17 - arm"

system environment/libraries

xine-lib-extras-freeworld - Extra codecs for the Xine multimedia library

Website: http://xinehq.de/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: "RPM Fusion"
This package contains extra codecs for the Xine multimedia library.  These
are free and opensource but left out of the official Fedora repository for
one reason or another.  Once installed, applications using the xine library
will automatically regcognize and use these additional codecs.


xine-lib-extras-freeworld-1.1.21-3.fc17.armv5tel [212 KiB] Changelog by Kevin Kofler (2012-07-16):
- drop DVD plugin, not encumbered (by itself), moved to Fedora

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