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RepoView: "RPM Fusion Fedora free updates 17 - arm"


vbam-debuginfo - Debug information for package vbam

Website: http://www.vba-m.com
License: GPLv2
Vendor: "RPM Fusion"
This package provides debug information for package vbam.
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package.


vbam-debuginfo- [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Jeremy Newton (2012-07-05):
- Updated to new upstream version
- Disabling WX because its not supported
- Removed extra sources as they are now included
- Removed FFMPEG fix
- Moved ips.htm doc file into common to avoid duplicates
- Various cleanup

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6